"We help Derrys busy professionals outsource their strength and learn to fall in love with fitness again."

About Us

blending science and expert coaching under one roof.

FORTIS has been intelligently designed so that our members can experience truly individualized coaching in a small group format. This means you'll get all the benefits of a personal training programme with the support system and lower price point of a group class.

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real world

Stronger For The Real World Not Just The Weight room.

At FORTIS not only will we make you look better but we will also have a lasting impact on your day to day life.
Our training programmes are uniquely designed to combine strength, power, mobility, anaerobic and aerobic fitness (all indicators of longevity).
We ensure that you don't just look good with your top off, but that you'll be better able to face the daily challenges of the real world; playing with your kids, running your first 10k, moving heavy furniture...

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what's included in your trial.

Movement Screen

Full mobility, movement screen and induction screen

6 personal training sessions

Access to x6 small-group personal training sessions

weekly conditioning sessions

Access to our larger group conditioning sessions.

Body composition analysis

Access to medical-grade body composition analysis

Nutritional guidance

Recipe books, diet templates, and nutrition courses

Access to state of the art coaching software

Online booking app and coaching software


why fortis?

This is what Small Group Personal Training (SGPT) is supposed to be. Individual equipment with individualized
coaching in a group dynamic.


Fortis truly is for everyone who is serious about training. We meet you where you are and make the training appropriate for you via programme adjustments and exercise selection.

In our sessions, it's not uncommon to see athletes and coaches in the mix with absolute beginners, all working towards their own unique fitness goals.

sustainable results

We dont promise quick wins or short term gains. We utilise a habit based system that ensures that you not only train well today or tomorrow but for years to come.

Physical and psychological burnout within the fitness space is a common theme, but our members typically stay with us for years.


After a decade in the industry and thousands of hours of coaching experience under our belts, we've seen it all.

We've worked with everyone, from elite athletes to absolute beginners. Despite this, we have an insatiable hunger for knowledge, and as the science changes, so do we.


Coaching academy


Small group personal training

Access to small group personal training sessions
Access to Weekly conditioning sessions
Medical grade body scans
Off peak open gym access
Recipe books, diet templates and nutrition course
Book a call

life long strength program

12 week kickstarter to completely change how you feel about fitness and set you up for years to come
Your own 1:1 personal coach
Weekly check ins
Individualised nutritional protocol
Individualised training protocol
Access to small group personal training sessions
Access to Weekly conditioning sessions
Medical grade body scans
Off peak open gym access
Reicpe books, diet templates and nutrition course
Book a call

Coaching Academy

Kickstart your fitness career with the FORTIS Certified Personal Trainer Course. Hybrid learning with 40 hours of face to face coaching, shadowing and an internationally recognised PT level 2/3 certification.
Access to 40 hours of direct mentor-led education alongside a like-minded group of peers
Application-focused curriculum based on 10+ years of industry experience
Fully accredited PT level 2/3 certification and internationally recognised opening the door to global job opportunities
Shadowing opportunities to experience the reality of coaching
Bonus business content to help you get your first clients
Opportunity to recoup your investment in as little as a month via our part-time coaching pathway
Simple, transparent pricing with accessible payment plans
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What our members have to say.

Have been with Fortis close to two years – having dipped in and out of training previously. Without exception, a first-class gym. Now stronger and fitter than I have ever been, weight has dropped by over 20lb, and remained off. Damian’s initial assessment is forensic, takes account of client goals and programme developed accordingly. Certainly not your ‘one size fits all’ type of place. Great to have a Strength and Conditioning Coach who is informed by science, physiology and who understands nutrition. Experience is good, but compounded with ‘knowledge’, it’s rare and exceptional.

Kevin D

CEO / Company

Couldn’t ask for more! Dee loves what he does and it shows in his programming and the results. He’s coached me through prenatal, postnatal and got me wedding dress ready, and by far the strongest I’ve ever been!

Aideen L

CEO / Company

I heard of Fortis Training Systems through a friend of mine who had trained there, and I was very interested in seeing how it ran and what type of training Damian programmed. I followed the Fortis social media pages and after a while of sitting on the fence, I decided to try it out. From the first intro session I had with Dee I was sold. His professionalism and the way he structured the sessions was perfect for me; and as a personal trainer myself, it provided the accountability I needed regarding my own training. I also train and coach martial arts, and the programming in Fortis has complimented this, which is great. I have been there for a few months now and I can honestly say I feel the strongest and healthiest I’ve been in years.

Darren H

CEO / Company

I have been training for nearly a year at Fortis. Up until I joined I dabbled a bit in strength training but until I joined Fortis I had no focus or guidance. People make places and this is very much the case here. Damian’s knowledge is first class - he can talk the talk and walk the walk. His friendly delivery of advice stands out and this sets the tone for the atmosphere at Fortis.In the year I have been here I have experienced personal bests across all my heavy lifts, I learned a lot of new techniques and movements and I now understand why I do things rather than just doing them. I feel stronger, healthier and fitter. The work I do in fortis helps other activities I do e.g. I increased by pb in my 10 mile run. This was all down to work done at fortis and the guidance from DamianI would recommend Fortis to anyone, you won’t regret it

Malachy McC

CEO / Company

In my first session with Damian I learned more than I had in my previous years of training elsewhere. Damian’s expert knowledge and advice has really helped me towards my goals and changed my attitude to both fitness and nutrition. The classes are challenging but enjoyable. It’s a very friendly environment and I would highly recommend to both gym novices and experienced gym goers alike.

Ciaran M

CEO / Company

As a busy health care professional, finding time to prioritize my fitness can be a challenge. However, joining FORTIS has been a game-changer for me.What really sets this gym apart for me is the combination of professional guidance and knowledge provided by Damian.What started off as 'let's see how this goes' has, three years later, become part of my lifestyle.FORTIS gym is one of a kind!

Jenna D

CEO / Company

This place is something else. Being a strength and conditioning coach myself the level of detail in the planning of sessions/tracking of progress and support you get is second to none.Whatever your goal is, you will achieve it here. My weight has gone down. Strength and fitness has gone up!The small group sessions are fantastic for the feedback you get and the laughs too!

Dermot McB

CEO / Company

I joined fortis after a friend recommended the gym. After a series of injuries sustained through years of sport, I was unable to train the way I wanted to. The program has provided a structure that has allowed me to train consistently and push past any limits I thought I had. The additional support and advice plus the atmosphere in the gym have contributed to me feeling fitter, stronger and more powerful than I have in a long time.

Paul G

CEO / Company

Without looking at the numbers on the barbell Damian focuses merely on technique. Damian has helped me improve on my weaknesses and made them my strengths. The work done with fortis has been specific to my judo and I can definitely feel a difference in my strength and power. I have won fights abroad in European cups, held and gained titles both home and away and working with fortis has played a huge part of judo career. I couldn’t recommend a better place for both general health and elite athletes.

Bethany McC

CEO / Company



Where are you based?

We’re based in Springtown, on the Balliniska road Google map.

When can I train?

"See our timetable below. As we grow so does our timetable but at the moment there's enough room for everyone (we have a membership cap)"

What is small group personal training?

At FORTIS we split the difference between 1:1 training and larger group fitness classes, creating small groups of 6-8 people at a time led by an expert coach. This allows us to provide as much attention as you would experience in a personal training session but with a bit more fun and a lot more affordable.

I'm an absolute beginner, can I join?

At FORTIS all fitness levels are welcome and absolute beginners are encouraged to join. After your initial assessment your program is tailored to meet you at where you are right now. Nobody is thrown in at the deep end.

I've been going to the gym for a while myself, is this too easy?

At FORTIS we have an eclectic mix of members. Since we’ve opened our doors we’ve had professional and amateur athletes train alongside our beginners. We also routinely have strength & conditioning coaches and personal trainers join to sharpen their skills and give themselves another level of accountability. We take training seriously and if you do too we're probably the place for you.

I've got a sore back/knee/hip/ankle. Can I still join?

We mostly work with older professionals so aches, pains and niggles come with the territory. Our programs can be manipulated in such a way that we can give you a training effect whilst avoiding unnecessary pain.

We routinely see people regain range of motion and pain free movement at FORTIS. We also consult with local physiotherapists to give you the best tools to train around pain.

How do I book my sessions?

Once you've completed your initial 12 weeks to see the full benefits of the program, we offer packages that range from a monthly recurring membership to 6 month commitments (with discounts for longer term commitments).

Whilst many people train with us for years, many chose a monthly recurring membership.

What if I miss a session?

We get it, life gets in the way sometimes and don't worry you'll have adequate time to cancel via the app. However If this becomes a regular occurrence you’ll have a coach on your case to keep you accountable

How long do I have to commit?

Once you've completed your initial 12 weeks to see the full benefits of the program, we offer packages that range from a monthly recurring membership to 6 month commitments (with discounts for longer term commitments).

Whilst many people train with us for years, many chose a monthly recurring membership.

Do you offer an open gym?

We offer up to 16 coached sessions weekly at multiple times throughout the day, however if you can't make a session you can use the gym during off peak hours to catch up.

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strong starts here